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Faculty excellence: Promotions and tenure 2015

COS P and T excellence 2015The College of Science is proud to congratulate the following faculty for receiving promotions and/or tenure this spring. A well deserved pat on the back for their excellent work!

Tremendous consideration goes into each promotion and tenure decision. The dean’s office, department chairs, promotions and tenure committee members, faculty, external reviewers, students who offer letters of support, and of course the individual faculty member spends many hours preparing, processing and reviewing the documentation. The process is extremely rigorous in order to award the best candidates for promotion and/or tenure.

Special thanks to our College of Science Promotions and Tenure Committee for devoting a significant time this spring engaged in the review process. Also, thanks to the provost and the University Promotions and Tenure Committee for their hard work in evaluating and supporting the outstanding accomplishments of our faculty.

Biochemistry & Biophysics Department

Lanelle Connolly has been promoted to Senior Faculty Research Assistant I of Biochemistry and Biophysics, effective July 1, 2015.

Dr. Indira Rajagopal has been promoted to Senior Instructor II of Biochemistry and Biophysics, effective July 1, 2015.

Chemistry Department

Dr. Christopher M. Beaudry has been promoted to Associate Professor of Chemistry and granted indefinite tenure, effective September 16, 2015.

Dr. Ha Yeon (Paul) Cheong has been promoted to Associate Professor of Chemistry and granted indefinite tenure, effective September 16, 2015.

Dr. Jeff Walker has been promoted to Senior Instructor II of Chemistry, effective July 1, 2015.

Paula Joy Edwards Weiss has been promoted to Senior Instructor I of Chemistry, effective July 1, 2015.

Integrative Biology Department

Dr. Lesley Mae Blair has been promoted to Senior Instructor II of Integrative Biology, effective July 1, 2015.

Dr. Francis Chan has been promoted to Associate Professor, Senior Research of Integrative Biology, effective July 1, 2015.

Eileen Shin Yeu Chow has been promoted to Senior Faculty Research Assistant I of Integrative Biology, effective July 1, 2015.

Mark Lavery has been promoted to Senior Instructor II of Integrative Biology, effective July 1, 2015.

Dr. David Lytle has been promoted to Professor of Integrative Biology, effective September 16, 2015.

Mathematics Department

Dr. Christine Escher has been promoted to Professor of Mathematics, effective September 16, 2015.

Dr. Filix Maisch has been promoted to Senior Instructor I of Mathematics, effective September 16, 2015.

Microbiology Department

Dr. Linda Diane Bruslind has been promoted to Senior Instructor II of Microbiology, effective July 1, 2015.

Dr. Katharine Field has been promoted to Professor of Microbiology, effective July 1, 2015.

Statistics Department

Dr. Yanming Di has been promoted to Associate Professor in Statistics and granted indefinite tenure, effective September 16, 2015.

Dr. Alix Gitelman has been promoted to Professor of Statistics, effective September 16, 2015.


Keep up the excellent work!



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