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And the 2015 CURE Fellows are….

This year six undergraduate science students have received Cripps Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Summer Fellowships. CURE Fellows gain valuable research experience by working alongside Biochemistry and Biophysics faculty. The researchers serve as mentors and work with students on laboratory research projects during the 11-week summer program.

Students each receive $4,400 made possible by a generous endowed gift from Ray and Frances Cripps as well as matching funds from the faculty mentor. Each Fellow is required to prepare an oral presentation of his or her project at an end-of-summer symposium.

Preference for the CURE Fellowships is given to Biochemistry and Biophysics students, but non-majors currently working in a Biochemistry and Biophysics faculty lab may also be considered.

This year the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics is offering the Diversity CURE Award, which is open to any undergraduate from an underrepresented minority background and pursuing a molecularly oriented life science degree in Oregon.     

Congratulations to this year’s CURE Fellows!  

Several of them will present their work at the CURE Awards Mini‐Symposium September 23 at 11 am in ALS 4001.

Dakota Backus – Chemistry; Ryan Mehl, faculty advisor: Synthesis and Incorporation of Tetrazine-Functionalized Amino Acids in Proteins

Lynda Bradley – Biochemistry and Biophysics; Viviana Perez, faculty advisor:  Comparing 26S Proteasome Efficiency Between Long-living Mammals and Short-Living Mammals

Trisha Chau – Biochemistry and Biophysics; Colin Johnson, faculty advisor:  Characterizing the membrane binding properties of Fer1L6 and essential protein for muscle development.

Corinne Fargo – Biochemistry and Biophysics; Michael Freitag, faculty advisor: Uncovering the Mechanism of Trimethylation by Polycomb Repressive Complex 2

Alexis Murphy  Biochemistry and Biophysics; Julie Greenwood, faculty advisor:  The Morphological Image Analysis of Tumor Cells in the Brain.

Mason Rouches – Biochemistry and Biophysics; David Hendrix, faculty advisor:  Computational classification of noncoding RNA structure.

Lindsay Winkenbach – Biochemistry and Biophysics; Joe Beckman, faculty advisor:  Comparing the levels of a key chaperone protein in a mouse model of Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

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