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Andrew Wheeler appointed director of COSINe

Andrew Wheeler (’03, ‘13) was recently promoted to Director of College of Science Information Network (COSINe) IT Services, for the Division of Arts and Sciences. He has served as interim director of the unit since June 2014.

Andrew Wheeler, Director of COSine

Andrew Wheeler, Director of COSine

Wheeler has worked at COSINe in various capacities since 2007, when he began as a help desk manager and became its associate director in early 2014.

“I am excited to have Andrew on board to lead COSINe to support and enhance our research computing and pedagogical environment in Science and at OSU” said Sastry Pantula, Dean of the College of Science.

“I am confident that he and COSINe will continue to provide excellent customer service and help the College move the dial AHEAD.”

An Oregon native, Wheeler has a long and deeply cherished association with Oregon State University and Corvallis. An alumnus of OSU, he graduated from OSU with a BS in business administration and an MBA in 2013.

“We are in a thrilling time computationally with current tech trends redefining some of our business processes,” said Wheeler.“Cloud computing is having a dramatic impact. High performance computing is another area I am excited about as units supported by COSINe are engaging in Big Data research. I am really looking forward to setting the strategic direction going forward.”

Wheeler found inspiration early in his OSU career.

“In my first year I attended the annual fall faculty awards and was impressed by what the College of Science was accomplishing. It really struck me that I was working for an organization that was creating knowledge and improving the world; to be a small part of that was a strong intrinsic motivation.”

During his tenure at COSINe, Andrew helped build strong relationships between the campus IT community and students and faculty by effectively trouble shooting computing issues and providing timely computing support and infrastructure to enable research, teaching and advancement of knowledge at the College.

Wheeler has also mentored student employees at COSINe. “I really enjoyed the opportunity to work directly with student employees to mentor and help them develop personally and professionally. I take pride in the fact many former employees found jobs based on the skills they developed working at COSINe and even a few picked careers in IT,” added Wheeler.

Prior to joining OSU, Wheeler worked for four years with a local financial planning software company providing technical and software development support to customers.

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