
Student Portfolios

Diagramming, Graphing


Timeline Tool

Video tutorial:

Sample instructions:

  1. Visit the XXX ### Timeline (linked).
  2. Click the “Add Event” button.
  3. Add the details for your event.
    • You MUST include a Date, Title and Description with your post. If you do not include a date, title, and description in the boxes provided, your post will not be saved.
    • You can include an image with your post.
      • You must add a complete URL for your image to appear in the timeline.
      • Hint: If you have a Flickr (or other media resource) account, include the direct link to your image (share link), NOT to your account.
  4. Remember to click, “Add Event” to save your event.  If you close without hitting “Add Event”, your event will not be saved.

To edit your event, click the “My Events” button and click the pencil icon.

To delete your event, click the “My Events” button and click the trash icon.

To add additional events, click the “Add Event” button and follow the same steps again.

Text and Markdown Editors

Skin Tone Library

List of skin tones with RGB and Hex codes for editing vectors (especially from Freepik).  The colors are in pairs, since many of the images have a color and then use a darker shade of the same color for a shadow or to make the image look more 3D.