Name: Mimi Monterrosas
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
HSRC Job Title: Events and Programming Coordinator
Major/minor: Biology with a pre-med option
Career Aspirations: My career goal is to become a primary care physician for low income and/or migrant working families.
Why did you want to work at the HSRC? I wanted to work with HSRC because the help they provide the community is inspiring. I believe everyone should have access to everyday needs. I want to help make a difference through the work I do and HSRC allows me to do that.
What will you be working on? I will be working on creating and planning events on campus that helps promote the work we do here at HSRC. I will also be working closely with other clubs, cultural centers, and organizations to plan these events.
What do you like to do in your free time? I enjoy creating new makeup looks and doing makeup on others. Also, I collect hip hop albums and vinyls.
What’s your favorite yummy and cheap meal that you like to make? My favorite cheap meal to make would be grilled cheese sandwiches. I throw in some ham or spinach too.
Do you have any tips for students on how to save money? I am a huge fan of planning and budgeting. I have a journal that I use to calculate all my expenses and making sure I am within my budget. Also, when shopping I try to look for the best price possible, so take your time when shopping.
What are you favorite things to do in Corvallis? I enjoy going out to eat with friends and exploring new places around town.
Where is your favorite spot to relax on campus? My favorite spot to relax on campus would be Waldo hall because there are always treats out for people and it’s a great study area.
What is your favorite show and why? My favorite show is The Office because the zoom ins of the characters’ reactions always make me laugh!