Get To Know Our Staff: Karen

Name: Karen

Pronouns: She/Her

HSRC Job Title: Events and Programming Coordinator

Major/minor: Merchandising Management, minor in Business Entrepreneurship

Career Aspirations: I hope to work for a corporation where I can help with the planning or the sourcing of products. My dream job would be to work for Nike, Columbia, or Adidas since we are very fortunate to have their headquarters here in Portland.

Why did you want to work at the HSRC? I wanted to work at the HSRC to not only come to work and get paid but to help make a difference in someone’s life. It’s really fulfilling to personally see all the hard work and who you’re impacting.  

What will you be working on? I will be training our new Events and Programming Coordinator Mimi so she has the tools to successfully plan future events once i’m gone. I’ll also be working with Mimi on ideas for new events that she can potentially plan in the future, or new ideas for annual events that have been done.

What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time I like to listen to music, spend time with friends and family, and when I have a lot of time in my hands I will work on Adobe Illustrator.

What’s your favorite yummy and cheap meal that you like to make? My favorite yummy and cheap meal that I make would have to be quesadillas.

Do you have any tips for students on how to save money? Use the resources available to you! Use the HSRC resources, get roommates and share a room (cheaper rent). Attend events on campus and get free food!

What are you favorite things to do in Corvallis? Go out and hangout with friends! If i’m not busy then i’ll go to some home games for baseball, and football.

Where is your favorite spot to relax on campus? My favorite spot to relax on campus would probably be at the SEC because it’s usually pretty well lit and it’s usually pretty quiet.

What is your favorite TV show and why? I’m going to be really basic and say Keeping Up With The Kardashians.