Your WordPress site can be subscribed to.  In fact, there exists a Subscriber role in the WordPress User settings specifically for this purpose.

If someone has a particular interest in what a publication of yours, this user can elect to be updated regarding changes.

The Subscriptions Settings is where you can track who is subscribed to your site and what they’re subscribing to.  Additionally, if you wish to block a user from subscribing to your content, you can do so here, by clicking on the username and clicking the Block Notifications button.

The Subscribe to Comments Settings group relates to settings required for comment notification, messaging to role-based users, and styling for custom Subscription Managers. It contains the following items

  • Basic Information:
    • From name for notification: Name of your blog
    • From email address for notifications: Your e-mail
    • CSS clear on subscription checkbox: to clear the CSS for the subscription box if it appears in a strange location on your theme
  • Group / Role Based Messaging: allows creation of custom messages for different groups of people such as those not subscribed, subscribers, and authors.
  • Custom Subscription Manager Style: allows for creation of custom Subscription Manager styles.

The Blog Category feature describes the source of the blog.  Different blog categories differ slightly in features – for example, Student blogs do not have to possess the black OSU top hat on their themes, whereas Department blogs must have this present therefore students are supplied a different set of themes.  The blog categories for are:

  • Others
  • Student
  • Student Group
  • Staff
  • Faculty
  • Department