Preparing for a multi-month run isn’t easy, but it is definitely necessary. There are many things we must consider, but after our two previous runs, this really isn’t too complicated anymore. Read on to see how we focus on a few areas such as nutrition, supplementation and obviously the actual running part during our training.
Our training schedule for running varies more now than before each of our first two runs. But overall, the same concept remains, we increase our mileage each week until the last week or 2 weeks before the start. We began training again in January only running a few miles each day 3-4 times a week. The goal is to start with total miles a week say, 20 miles. Then, no matter how many days it takes, the following week you would increase the total mileage to 22-23 miles/week. And then incrementally increasing the miles each week to where we are now running 65+ miles these last few weeks before our July 7 start.
An important element to this type of training for these extreme runs is the longer we run, the slower the pace. There are some days where we do run harder on a 5 mile run, but it’s much different running 12-15 miles or more. Risk of injury increases dramatically with increase of intensity.
My brother’s favorite part about our training is being able to eat more food without the guilt. During out training, we have estimated that we roughly burn about 4,000 calories/ day. Since we are college students, we tend to eat whatever we can get our hands on, but always being mindful on the amount of fast food & processed foods in our diet. We find it easier to get nutrition and energy from calorie dense foods like Oatmeal or blended shakes where we can add in several healthy ingredients.
I will go into further detail about these topics and much more in the following posts about running tips, importance of mental health, music and anything else to do with running.
Please ask any questions or feel free to comment on anything you would like for me to discuss. 20 more days!
Wristbands are in! #HealthExtensionRun #2014 #OSU #OrangeandBlack @ Oregon State University
— Isaiah Godby (@isaiahgodby) June 19, 2014
Long, hot, thirsty, tired, glad to be done. #HealthExtensionRun2014 #OSU
— Isaiah Godby (@isaiahgodby) June 20, 2014
There is nothing like stopping during your long run and eating some cherries/raspberries
— Jeremiah Godby (@JGodby13) June 20, 2014
Going back home to cali! Everyday for the next 7 days will be over 90 degrees. My goal from today(Friday)-Thursday:60 miles.
— Jeremiah Godby (@JGodby13) June 20, 2014
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