Teas For Sinus Relief

The Battle

As a student, getting sick just isn’t an option. You have so many other goals that need to be met.  Maintaining a strong immune system to be able to complete your tasks with ease is crucial and you constantly feel you are battling viruses.

Essential oils, aromatherapy, exercise, and other topics I have mentioned are great for keeping your body and mind healthy, but to help keep your immune system in good condition, you might try some herbal teas to help protect you from your tiring fight.

Strap On Some Armour

Even if I don’t get sick for a year or two, one of the things I am constantly battling is sinus headaches or sore throats. This comes with living in the valley and being highly allergic to pollen and cotton. Gaia Herbs and Mountain Rose Herbs are some great solutions to finding sinus and throat relief.

Gaia Herbs: How Do they Work

Most Gaia Herbs are made into liquid substances for people to take easily. Healthline.com also explains how they are gathered from the Eleuthero root, which is an herbal “adaptogen” that helps to boost the body’s natural response to stress while also working as a stimulant to benefit your nervous system’s tasks.

What is also great about this product is how easy it is and how low cost as well considering most students can’t afford high price items. This goes for Mountain Rose Herbs as well.

On Top Of The Mountain

Mountain Rose Herbs was shown on npr.org just how amazing they are as they went from a small business to a booming success. These herbs usually come as a loose leaf tea, unlike Gaia Herbs that are commonly found in a liquid form. Mountain Rose Herbs uses certified organic ingredients which help make their flavors radiant and also the benefits superior.

Regular Routines

For me, my morning routine usually includes drinking a cup of water and a cup of coffee. Using Gaia drops you can easily take those with your cup of water in the morning after breakfast and then heat up a pot of water for your loose leaf Mountain Rose tea to bring your body back to balance after a long day or work or school. Taking care of your body is extremely important and just adding little things into your routine that bring benefits to you, can make a huge improvement in your attitude during the day. It makes you feel more energized and ready to face the day head-on.

Inexpensive, beneficial, tasty, and quick. Incorporate it into your day to see if it gives you a boost of motivation!

A Happy You is a Healthy You!


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