We are pleased to provide access to two free online books and three free online courses by Dr. Kevin Ahern and Dr. Indira Rajagopal.

1. Biochemistry Free & Easy Kevin and Indira have published an electronic book aimed at helping students learn the basics of biochemistry in a fun and engaging format. The book incorporates original songs, recordings, verses and links to over 100 video lectures. The full-featured iPad version can be viewed only on an iPad with iBooks 2. The PDF version can be viewed on any computer.

Download iPad version HERE or PDF version HERE

The iPad version is only available in the U.S., Canada, England, and Australia.

2. Kevin and Indira’s Guide to Getting Into Medical School
In this book, Kevin and Indira share the advice they have given over the years that has resulted in an extraordinary acceptance rate for their students getting into medical schools. Aimed at university students, the book takes students all the way through the process, from the earliest beginnings to acceptance. Extensive space is devoted to important topics such as personal statements, MMIs and how to ace the interview.

Download iPad version HERE or PDF version HERE.

Three FREE online courses through Apple’s iTunes U based on these books are available below. Anyone can enroll in by clicking on the URLs below from an iPhone or an iPad.

1. Biochemistry for Pre-Meds – HERE
2. Elementary Biochemistry – HERE
3. Pre-Med Primer – Getting Into Medical School: Advice From Kevin and Indira – HERE

Help support the efforts behind these books and development of new ones by making a donation to support Oregon State University’s Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics; no donation is too small! Please designate the Dept of Biochemistry & Biophysics and note it is in appreciation of our book. Thank you! Kevin and Indira. Link to Kevin’s Workshops on 1) interviewing; 2) undergraduate research; and 3) strategies for professional schools HERE

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