What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank

Having troubles getting people to click on your website? Take a look at these pointers and watch your websites rise to the top!

Publish Quality Content: Everyone wants to click on the first website and be able to receive the content they want. Quality content that is targeted specific to your intended user increases site traffic, which improves its overall authority and relevance. Along with creating quality content, your website also needs to be unique so that it is able to stand out from the competition and get found. Once you gain your visitors authority, they will most likely come back since you gained their credibility.

Focus on Your Keywords: Identify and target specific keywords for each page on your website. Think about what the visitor came to your website for, and which words they are looking for. Those are the keywords you should incorporate throughout your website but be specific to the same keyword for each website page. For example, do not include multiple keyword phrases in the same page, instead separate the keyword phrases to each web page you are targeting so that it is easy for the visitor to navigate throughout.

Create Links Within Your Website: Backlinks, which are links to other webpages add equity to your site, and is the most important factor in determining your site’s search ranking. When deciding which websites to include links to, make sure you aim for quality over quantity because a well-known authoritative site goes much further in increasing your websites SEO than having multiple smaller unknown links. Keep in mind, Google can detect if you are adding too many backlinks that are unrelated to your topic.

Do Some Website Cleaning: First thing to look at is your website speed. The last thing you want visitors to do is get so frustrated because your website isn’t loading that they turn around and go to another website instead. According to Google, simply increasing the load time of a page from 1 second to 3 seconds increases the bounce rate by 32%. Having a high bounce rate means poor user experience which is true for both SEO and SEM. Once the website is running efficient, it usually stays that way as long as you are staying up to date with any technical issues that may arise.

Titles and Meta Descriptions That Stand Out: Having a title and meta description that stands out is important. Visitors will look at a page of meta descriptions and it is your job to make yours stand out amongst the others. How Google displays your result determines whether people want to click on your listing or someone else’s. Optimizing your chances of people clicking on your website needs to include keywords and phrases that people want, as well as from a relevancy and pure perspective. This will make people choose you over your competitors.

I hope these pointers help your website rank higher, but always remember there is room for improvement. If your newly designed website isn’t ranking too high in the search results, it could be that you need to give it more time, or hopefully these pointers will be the boost you needed! Please comment below with any suggestions and I look forward to your guy’s feedback!


Abrim, Mark, and Mark Abrim. “17 Best Free (or Freemium) SEO Tools to Improve Your Google Ranking.” Single Grain, August 9, 2019. https://www.singlegrain.com/seo/15-free-seo-tools-to-improve-your-google-ranking/.

Edgecomb, Carolyn. “What Is Quality Content?” IMPACT. IMPACT, April 23, 2019. https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/what-is-quality-content.

Fishkin, Rand. “How to Rank: The SEO Checklist.” Moz. Moz, July 31, 2019. https://moz.com/blog/rank-in-2018-seo-checklist.

“Five Ways to Improve Your Site’s Ranking (SEO).” Michigan Technological University. Accessed October 26, 2019. https://www.mtu.edu/umc/services/digital/seo/.

Gotter, Ana. “How to Get On Top of the Google SERP: A Practical Guide.” Disruptive Advertising, September 24, 2019. https://www.disruptiveadvertising.com/marketing/improve-google-ranking/.

Wertz, Jia. “4 Things You Can Do Today To Boost Your Website’s Google Ranking.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, February 18, 2017. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jiawertz/2017/01/19/4-things-you-can-do-today-to-boost-your-websites-google-ranking/#762de2163fe3.

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