Writing Exercise #5

From previous research articles I read from BHS 323, I understand the gut microbiome have been playing an important role in our digestive system. It so interconnected to other parts of our body. Factors that could affect the gut microbiome could be varied; diet, hormone, stress level … etc. In the mini-lecture of this week, we have learned how prebiotic, probiotic and synbiotic could affect our gut microbial community. What we consume could affect the diversity of our gut microbial community. In order to have a good impact to my gut

In order to have a good impact on my gut microbial community, I would choose to eat more vegetable,  yogurt, white meat, and brown rice. These food contain fiber and lactic bacteria, which created a good synbiotic consumption to my gut microbiome. Another key point to maintain a good microbial community would be controlling our stress level; exercising is a good way to control our stress.

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