Writing Exercise #2

In the primary research article “Symbiotic gut microbes modulate human metabolic phenotypes” (2008), Li et al showed the correlation between gut microbes and the host metabolic activities; the results of the research provided the foundation for functional metagenomics, as well as other healthcare solutions. Li et al provided evidence from previous research that body microbiome of mice modulated the absorption, storage, and metabolism of dietary lipids; the same facts could also apply to humans, the dietary routine and health condition can directly or indirectly infect the gut microbiome interaction. The purpose of this paper was to find out the makeup of gut microbial communities by using genome sequencing, understanding the microbial communities in order to analyze the composition of gut microbial; understanding how host metabolic phenotype is strongly influenced by the gut microbiome provided a good foundation to solve further health care problems. The study has potential to identify the important associations between changes of bacterial community structure and dynamics of host metabolic patterns; it is useful to find out the relationship between byssinosis and disease.

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