Course Instructions


This is a Basic Seafood HACCP course :

The course must be taken in two parts or “segments”:

  1. Segment One is a self-paced Seafood HACCP Internet Course hosted by Cornell University.  Upon completion of Segment One, you are emailed a certificate of course completion.
    • This email notification  must be submitted to the instructor, Christina DeWitt, prior to the beginning of class at 9:15 am, Nov 20, 2019. 
      1. e-mail to
      2. hand hard copy to instructor during registration and check-in.
  2. Segment Two is a one-day, hands-on course held in Astoria, OR.

Holiday Inn Express & Suites
204 W. Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103

Participants in this Seafood HACCP Segment 2 course will, upon successful completion, be mailed a Certificate of Course Completion from the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) to demonstrate that they meet the training requirement of the FDA Seafood HACCP regulation.


  1. Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Control Guidance Manual – $43 value
  2. Training Slides
  3. Model Seafood HACCP Plans
  4. Certificate of Course Completion from AFDO – $50 value
  5. Lunch