Graphic Organizer #1


Internationalization has occurred in many areas of higher education.  One of those areas is the progression of curriculum of universities.  Curriculum started with just simply foreign language classes but has shifted towards more content dealing with intercultural and global matters.  I learned this week that the term itself originated in the 1980’s as a tool to promote international studies and the way in which universities approach international education.  It can also be interpreted differently throughout the different areas of the globe.  Image result for internationalization of higher educationUltimately it is a way to promote academic mobility for students and bring higher education opportunities to different areas of the globe.  One of the most unique readings I learned about from this week’s readings was how the term has changed from the 1960’s where it was primarily used as a way to describe international scholarships.  Now it has shifted more towards cross-border education.  It is also evident that it is a combined effort among different nations to cooperate in a manner that can promote and increase the process of internationalization, which is to increase the diversity of cultures that exist in the classrooms throughout different countries.



Higher education is on the rise on a global scale.  The growth of the higher education across the scale can be attributed to the success of graduates versus those without a degree.  There is a demand for skilled labors everywhere.  Globalization in higher education is critical in order to keep up with the faced paced global economy.  Competition for productivity in the market drives the need for higher education across the globe.  Technology is a major force behind globalization.  Increasing transportation and communication has helped the efforts of globalization.  One term I found particularly helpful in understanding Globalization was “the practice of growing social interaction and connectivity among people around the world, creating economic, social, cultural, political, environmental, scientific and technological interdependence” (Levin, 2001; Marginson, 2007).

Image result for globalization of higher educationOne thing is for sure, globalization has led more research and development at higher educational institutions.

Study Abroad

Alongside the growing number of higher education is the number of studying outside their countries.  Studying abroad has become a major driving force behind universities and colleges in their fierce competition to become more globalized and increasing its international student population make-up.  Studying abroad promotes the universities goal of increasing their international commitment of becoming more globalized.  It offers students the unique opportunity to experience different styles of education across the globe and interact with different cultures. Image result for studying abroad of higher education Studying abroad promotes internationalization by promoting academic mobility across different countries.  Studying abroad opens the door for a vast range of career opportunities for undergraduate students.


Chapter 2, J. (2012). Concepts, rationales, and interpretive frameworks in internationalization of higher education. In D. Deardorff,  H. de Wit, J.D. Heyl, & T. Adams (Eds), SAGE handbook of international higher education.(pp. 27-42). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.

Yelland, R. (2011). Globalization of higher education (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The OECD Observer, 287. – This report explores globalization of higher education from an economic/market perspective

Pages 3-22, Mitchell, D. E. & Nielsen, S. Y. (2012) Internationalization and globalization in higher education. In H. Cuadra-Montiel (Ed.), Globalization – Education and management agendas (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (pp. 3-22). – This book chapter explores the impact of globalization to higher education in the U.S., borrowing from two studies conducted by the authors.

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