Travel Reimbursement

Students attending conferences, workshops, or off-campus courses for which they receive only partial or no financial support from other sources, may apply for travel reimbursement through GSC. Funding for student travel comes mainly from GSC t-shirt sales.

GSC will evaluate applications quarterly, with the deadline for each term being the end of week 8 of that term. This is to ensure that students who are graduating that term can still be reimbursed before they leave. If you travel after the deadline during a term, please submit your application for the next term.

The deadlines for 2013/2014 will be as follows:

Fall 2013 Friday, December 6, 2013
Winter 2014 Friday, February 28, 2014
Spring 2014 Friday, May 23, 2014
Summer 2014 Friday, August 15, 2014

Your application should consist of the Travel Reimbursement Form, conference abstract if presenting, a short statement on the pertinence of the conference or workshop and all relevant receipts.

Please turn in your application to the GSC mailbox in the CEOAS Admin Building.

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