Group at SACNAS 2015

Networking, public speaking, scientific presentations, and career fairs were just some of the opportunities that OSU students took advantage of during the SACNAS 2015 National Conference in Washington D.C.

OSU was well represented at SACNAS.  The College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, OSU Cultural Resources Centers, College of Forestry and the OSU Graduate School hosted and staffed booths at the Recruitment Fair.  Multiple OSU faculty members,  staff and students participated in the fair other conference proceedings.

Graduate student Omar Miranda had his eyes opened to working for NASA.

“I had the opportunity to meet with NASA recruiters; prior to speaking to them, the thought of working for NASA seemed to be out of reach. However, after speaking to them, I feel inspired to pursue a position.“

Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, Fran Saveriano, was also there to network with students. She let them know that graduate school is a great career option. With over 80 different graduate programs, OSU is a leader in many fields of study.

But how can students pay for graduate school? For tuition support, Saveriano says,”there are many opportunities for students coming to OSU, awards like the Diversity Advancement Pipeline Fellowship and the Graduate Diversity Recruitment Bonus.” In addition to these award programs, many departments offer their own scholarships. Student can also find funding through various research projects.

Saveriano wants students to reach out to her and professors at OSU. “You never know unless you ask.”

Congratulations to OSU’s SACNAS chapter who also received an award for outstanding development and outreach.

Students who want to learn more about graduate school can email us at


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