Students enjoying ice cream

Dozens of undergrads lounge on the grass across from Kerr Administration under the swaying sycamores eating ice cream. This is a rare moment for them to take a break, meet students working in other fields, and hear about graduate school. These students have travelled from all across the country to visit Oregon State University for the summer and participate in a variety of summer research programs. The Graduate School invited them here to talk about the benefits of graduate school and the ins and outs of the application process, no matter where they may apply.

Fortunately, the Graduate School speaks to a captive audience. Many of these students already have plans for continuing their education. This event, however, gives them a chance to meet a few peers they may have otherwise missed while showing what the Graduate School at Oregon State University has to offer.

Deans sharing experiences

After everyone is settled, graduate school staff move to the front one or two at a time to discuss the benefits of graduate education. No doubt the students have heard these numbers before. The higher your education the higher your salary and lower your chances of unemployment. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment rates for those with a Doctoral degree is 2.1% vs. 3.5% for a Bachelor’s degree and 6% for a High school diploma. Additionally, the median weekly salary for someone with a Doctoral degree is $1,591 vs. $1,101 for a Bachelor’s degree and $668 for a High school diploma.

Through stories of their own personal journeys and experiences, graduate school staff humanize these numbers and encourage students to consider these points carefully when planning their own professional journeys. Fran Saveriano, Assistant Dean of Recruitment and Financial Support, encourages students to seek out funding once they’re accepted into a program. She urges them to, above all else, “Apply! You won’t be funded without asking.”

Looking for summer research opportunities?  Check out the Graduate School’s summer research information page. For more information about applying to graduate school or financing your eduction, visit the Graduate School’s website or email them at

— Rich Collins, Marketing and Recruitment Intern and graduate student

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