Please read carefully the following deadlines, since we will only meet in the classroom one more time – to watch the videos.

May 22: No meeting in the classroom. You are expected to have a draft of your powerpoint that you will use as basis for your video ready by 8 pm. Share the link with me by sending me an email. sebastian dot heiduschke at oregonstate dot edu. I will take a look at the powerpoints and make suggestions and corrections. Your first slide should contain ten sentences (in German) that summarize your talk. Make sure to use your dictionary and personal textbook blogs to work on your grammar.

May 27: No meeting in the classroom. By 8 pm, you need to have your powerpoint ready to share with me. This should no longer be at draft stage, but should include all of the suggestions I made.

May 29: No meeting in the classroom. By 8 pm, you should have your video ready. The best format would be a powerpoint presentation with voiceover.

June 3: Presentation of the final videos in the classroom. We will watch the presentations, critique them, and discuss the course. You will have a chance to revise your video for June 5.

June 5: By 8 pm, you should turn in your final self-evaluation. If you decided to revise your presentation you should turn it in now, too.

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