Ex 1: Mapping the stain: Using spatial autocorrelation to look at clustering of infection probabilities for black stain root disease

My questions:

I am using a simulation model to analyze spatial patterns of black stain root disease of Douglas-fir at the individual tree, stand, and landscape scales. For exercise 1, I focused on the spatial pattern of probability of infection, asking:

  • What is the spatial pattern of probability of infection for black stain root disease in the forest landscape?
  • How does this spatial pattern differ between landscapes where stands are clustered by management class and landscapes where management classes are randomly distributed?

    Fig 1. Left: Raster of the clustered landscape, where stands are spatially grouped by each of the three forest management classes. Each management class has a different tree density, making the different classes clearly visible as three wedges in the landscape. Right: Raster of the landscape where management classes are randomly assigned to stands with no predetermined spatial clustering. The color of each cell represents the value for infection probability of that cell. White cells in both landscapes are non-tree areas with NA values.

Tool or approach that you used: Spatial autocorrelation analysis, Moran’s I, correlogram (R)

My model calculates probability of infection for each tree based on a variety of tree characteristics, including proximity to infected trees, so I expected to see spatial autocorrelation (when a variable is related to itself in space) with the clustering of high and low values of probability of infection. Because some management practices (i.e., high planting density, clear-cut harvest, thinning, shorter rotation length) have been shown to promote the spread of infection, there is reason to hypothesize that more intensive management strategies – and their spatial patterns in the landscape – may affect the spread of black stain at multiple scales.

I am interested in hotspot analysis to later analyze how the spatial pattern of infection hotspots map against different forest management approaches and forest ownerships. However, as a first step, I needed to show that there is some clustering in infection probabilities (spatial autocorrelation) in my data. I used the “Moran” function in the “raster” package (Hijmans 2019) in R to calculate the global Moran’s I statistic. The Moran’s I statistic ranges from -1 (perfect dispersion, e.g., a checkerboard) to +1 (perfect clustering), with a value of 0 indicating perfect randomness.

Moran’s I = -1

Moran’s I = 0

Moran’s I = 1









I calculated this statistic at multiple lag distances, h, to generate a graph of the values of the Moran’s I statistic across various values of h. You can think of the lag distance of the size of the window of neighbors being considered for each cell in a raster grid. The graph produced by plotting the calculated value of Moran’s I across various lag values is called a “correlogram.”

What did I actually do? A brief description of steps I followed to complete the analysis

1. Imported my raster files, corrected the spatial scale, and re-projected the rasters to fall somewhere over western Oregon.

I am playing with hypothetical landscapes (with the characteristics of real-world landscapes), so the spatial scale (extent, resolution) is relevant but the geographic placement is somewhat arbitrary. I looked at two landscapes: one where management classes are clustered (“clustered” landscape), and one where management classes are randomly distributed (“random”). For each landscape, I used two rasters: probability of infection (continuous values from 0 to 1) and non-tree/tree (binary, 0s and 1s).

2. Masked non-tree cells

Since not all cells in my raster grid contain trees, I set all non-tree cells to NA for my analysis in order to avoid comparing the probability of infection between trees and non-trees. I used the tree rasters to create a mask.
c.tree[ c.tree < 1 ] <- NA # Set all non-tree cells in the tree raster to NA
c.pi.tree <- mask(c.pi, c.tree) # Combine the prob inf with tree, leaving all others NA
# Repeat with randomly distributed management landscape
r.tree[ r.tree < 1 ] <- NA # Set all non-tree cells in the tree raster to NA
r.pi.tree <- mask(r.pi, r.tree) # Combine the prob inf with tree, leaving all others NA

Fig 2. Filled and hollow weights matrices.

3. Calculated Global Moran’s I for multiple values of lag distance.

For each lag distance, I created a weights matrix so the Moran function in the raster package would know how to weight each neighbor pixel at a given distance. Then, I let it run, calculating Moran’s I for each lag to create the data points for a correlogram.

I produced two correlograms: one where all cells within a given distance (lag) were given a weight of 1 and another “hollow” weights matrix when only cells at a given distance were given a weight of 1 (see example below).

4. Plotted the global Moran’s I for each landscape and compare.







What did I find? Brief description of results I obtained.

The correlograms show that similar values become less clustered at greater distances, approaching a random distribution by about 50 cell distances. In other words, cells are more similar to the cells around them than they are to more-distant cells. The many peaks and troughs in the correlogram are present because there are gaps between trees because of their regular spacing in plantation management.

In general, the highest values of Moran’s I were similar between the landscape with clustered management landscape and the landscape with randomly distributed management classes. However, the rate of decrease in the value of Moran’s I with increasing lag distance was higher for the random landscape than the clustered landscape. In other words, similar infection probabilities had larger clusters when forest management classes were clustered. For the clustered landscape, there was actually spatial autocorrelation at lag distances of 100 to 150, likely because of the clusters of higher infection probability in the “old growth” management cluster.

Correlogram for the clustered and random landscape showing Moran’s I as a function of lag distance. “Filled” weights matrix.

Correlogram for the clustered and random landscape showing Moran’s I as a function of lag distance. “Hollow” weights matrix.














Critique of the method – what was useful, what was not?

My biggest issue initially was finding a package to perform a hotspot analysis on raster data in R. I found some packages with detailed tutorials (e.g., hotspotr), but some had not been updated recently enough to work in the latest version of R. I could have done this analysis in ArcMap, but I am trying to use open-source software and free applications and improve my programming abilities in R.

The Moran function I eventually used in the raster package worked quickly and effectively, but it does not provide statistics (e.g., p-values) to interpret the significance of the Moran’s I values produced. I also had to make the correlogram by hand with the raster package. Other packages do include additional statistics but are either more complex to use or designed for point data. There are also built-in correlogram functions in packages like spdep or ncf, but they were very slow, potentially taking hours on a 300 x 300 cell raster. That said, it may just be my inexperience that made a clear path difficult to find.


Glen, S. 2016. Moran’s I: Definition, Examples. https://www.statisticshowto.datasciencecentral.com/morans-i/.

Robert J. Hijmans (2019). raster: Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling. R package version 2.8-19. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=raster


One thought on “Ex 1: Mapping the stain: Using spatial autocorrelation to look at clustering of infection probabilities for black stain root disease

  1. jonesju

    Adam, nice job on this. Your results make sense, in that the Moran’s I correlograms decline with lag distance and are higher for the clustered landscape. I would be interested to know (e.g., for Ex 3) what parameters in your model affect the spatial patterns of infection (based on sensitivity analysis) – Exercise 3?

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