TOOL: Generate Network Spatial Weights


Toolset: Modeling Spatial Relationships

Summary: This tool allows the analysis of the spatial relationship between features whose connections are restricted to a network. This means that the movement between two points can only take place through specific routes. Consequently, if one wants to analyze the shortest distance between two points, the Euclidean (straight-line) might not be the appropriate measurement.

The Generate Network Spatial Weights generates a spatial weight matrix which quantifies the relationship between features based on their neighboring relationships and under the restriction of a network dataset.


TOOL: Linear Directional Mean


Toolset: Measuring Geographic Distributions

Summary: This tool measures the trend of a set of lines to identify their mean direction, length, and geographic center. It can calculate mean direction and/or mean orientation. In the first case, the start and end points of the lines matter; in the second, they don’t.

The output of the Linear Directional Mean is a single line centered on the calculated mean center, length equal to the mean length and direction (or orientation) equal to the mean direction (or mean orientation) all input vectors.


VIDEO: Performing Proper Density Analysis

Duration: 12:11min

Summary: The purpose of this video is to explain importance of user-decisions (such as input parameters) when performing a density analysis and generate awareness of the existence of subjective aspects of the results.

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