
So in class I have been talking about digitizing maps of archaeological sites in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca in order to examine changes in the distribution of sites within the region over time. April Fools! I spoke to my adviser and she thought that this project might be too much to take on this term. Instead, she suggested that I continue developing a project that I did for the remote sensing class last term that involved a spectral classification of alluvial sediments in one of Oaxaca’s Central Valleys. Before I describe that project, it may be necessary to provide some background and justification.

Over the past several years, my lab been working with archaeologists from the US and Mexico on a large collaborative research project focused on assessing changes in political and economic integration in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico, the core cultural region of the Zapotec civilization, one of Mesoamerica’s first and most enduring complex societies. To do this, our lab takes samples of ceramics provided by each of our collaborators and analyzes them via Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) to determine their geochemical composition for a suite of 30 elements. We then statistically compare the compositional data from the ceramics to similar data obtained for over 300 clay samples that we have collected from across the region to identify areas where ceramic groups may have been produced. Using this data, we can identify locally produced wares for each site in our database, as well as the sources of wares that were imported to each site. This allows us to model the structure of regional economic networks for different periods of interest and examine changes in regional economic integration over time.

One of the fundamental advantages of this approach has been our comparative database of geochemical information for natural clays from the region. But while the number of samples in this database is fairly high, sampling was largely conducted on an opportunistic basis from exposures of clay in road-cuts, streambanks, and agricultural fields, leading to uneven sample coverage across the study area. To estimate the geochemical composition of clays in areas between samplimg locations, we generated a simple interpolated model of regional clay chemistry that covers the entire Central Valley System at a spatial resolution of one kilometer.

While our interpolated model of regional clay chemistry allows us to identify potential ceramic production areas between our clay sampling locations, it has a couple limitations. First, the model’s low spatial resolution glosses finer-scale differences in clay chemistry that can be readily observed in the original data. Secondly, and more importantly, the model does not account for the way that sediment actually moves through the region’s alluvial system.

The trace-element geochemistry of natural clay is largely determined by parent material. The Central Valleys of Oaxaca are flanked by a series of geologically complex mountain ranges that variously contribute to residual and alluvial sediments across the study area, resulting in discrete differences in observed clay chemistry from one sampling location to the next. When we model the clay chemistry for locations between sampling points using simple interpolation methods, we ignore crucial factors such as parent material and the directionality of sediment transport from one area to the next.

To facilitate the development of a refined model of regional clay chemistry, last term I used multispectral ASTER data from NASA’s EOS satellite to develop a spectral classification of alluvial sediments in the Tlacolula Valley, one of the three main branches of Oaxaca’s Central Valley System (see figure below). While this project allowed us to clearly visualize patterns in the valley’s sediment routing system, we have not yet compared the remote sensing data to the geochemical data for each of our sampling locations to assess its utility in developing a refined model of regional clay chemistry.


Research Objective

This term, I will build upon my previous spectral classification of alluvial sediments in the Tlacolula Valley to assess whether remotely sensed spectral reflectance data may be used to more accurately model clay chemistry within the Tlacolula Valley. ASTER data contains 14 bands of spectral measurements. Some of these are useful for identifying differences in surface geology, while others are better for identifying vegetation cover and urban areas. Whether any of these bands (or combinations of bands) correlate with regional clay chemistry is an open question. The vast majority of our clay samples were collected not from the surface, but from B horizons in exposed soil profiles. Nevertheless, insofar as the surface of most soil profiles in this area is likely to be derived from similar sediment sources as its subsurface components, it may be possible to correlate spectral surface reflectance with our regional clay composition data. If so, we may be able to use the ASTER data to generate a new, higher resolution model of Tlacolula Valley clay chemistry.


This study will rely on data collected by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Radiometer (ASTER). This satellite collects data over 14 spectral regions using three subsystems: the Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR), the Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), and the Thermal Infrared (TIR). The VNIR system collects stereoscopic data over three spectral regions in the visible and near infrared spectrum at a spatial resolution of 15 m. The Shortwave infrared spectrometer collects data for six spectral regions in the near infrared at a spatial resolution of 30 m using a single nadir pointing detector. And finally, the TIR spectrometer collects data over five spectral regions at a spatial resolution of 90 m using a single nadir pointing detector.

More specifically, this study will rely on a single tile of ASTER Level 1B Precision Terrain Corrected Registered At-Sensor Radiance (AST_L1B) data collected for a region covering the Tlacolula Valley in January of 2001, a period chosen for its low cloud cover and cleared fields. ASTER Level 1B data is available as a multi-file containing calibrated at-sensor radiance that has been geometrically corrected, rotated to a north-up UTM orientation, and terrain corrected using an ASTER DEM. This will be clipped to an area encompassing the valley floor and adjacent piedmont; mountainous areas outside the study area will be excluded from analysis.


This project will be more of an exploratory exercise in methods development than a hypothesis test.

To determine whether spectral measurements from the ASTER data can be correlated with Tlacolula clay chemistry, I will use the geographic locations of our clay samples from the Tlacolula Valley to extract spectral profiles corresponding to each sample location. These will then be correlated against individual elements from our geochemical data using a series of stepwise multivariate regression analyses in R or another statistical software package. Given fairly strong correlations between spectral measurements and geochemical data, a refined spatial model of Tlacolula clay chemistry will be generated using these regression formulas.

The project that I conducted last term showed that sediments in upland, piedmont areas of the Tlacolula Valley could be easily classified according to their source lithology; misclassification largely occurred only within the Rio Salado floodplain where sediments become more mixed. In our current interpolated model of regional clay chemistry, elemental estimates between sampling locations are always modeled as intermediate, without respect to parent material or topographic position. If successful, this project will yield element estimate maps that more closely reflect patterns of sediment transport seen in the ASTER imagery.

Expected outcome

If our existing model of regional clay chemistry correlates as well against the ASTER data as the geochemical data from our actual sampling locations, development of a revised model may be unnecessary. If however the original clay data correlates substantially better with the ASTER measurements, a new multi-element model of Tlacolula clay chemistry will be generated using the ASTER data.

That said, there is a very strong chance that the ASTER data will only correlate with a few elements, if any. If this is the case, we will explore other options for generating a revised spatial model of Oaxaca clay chemistry.


If successful, this project will represent a significant advance in methodology for mapping the elemental composition of alluvial sediments regionally. This has some utility in archaeology for identifying potential sources of clay used to make ancient ceramics, but it may also prove useful for soil scientists, geologists, and other researchers concerned with how the admixture of alluvial sediments may contribute to variability in sediment chemistry at a regional scale.

My level of preparation

I have been using ArcGIS for nearly ten years now, so I am thoroughly prepared for this project in that regard. I also have a very strong background in multivariate statistics, though I haven’t used R in some years. I was only introduced to the image processing software ENVI last term during my remote sensing class, but am confident that I have the skills required to complete this project.

One thought on “Toward development of a refined model of regional clay chemistry in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico using ASTER imagery

  1. Jeremias,
    This is a very interesting project and well described. I think you can clarify some aspects of the project to provide a clearer structure for your analysis. (1) Research question. Your research questions seems to be: How is the mineralogy of surface sediments estimated from remotely sensed data related to the chemistry of B-horizon samples analyzed in the lab? How are these relationships affected by spatial factors including underlying geology and sediment transport? (2) you do have hypotheses and you started to state them but you can clarify: (a) for soils developed in-situ, i.e., on uplands which are not receiving sediments, the relationship of remotely sensed to lab-measured mineralogy should be stronger than in lowlands, which are receiving sediments, (b) the further a sample occurs from a single lithologic source, the weaker should be the expected relationship, and (c) the larger the number of sediment sources with contrasting surface mineralogy, the weaker should be the expected relationship. These are spatial hypotheses. For Approach: what approaches might help? You might start with a hotspot analysis of the lab-measured minerology and compare it visually to your remotely-sensed map. You could do a nearest neighbor analysis of the sampling points to determine if they were clustered or otherwise. Then you might think about a simple regression of mineraology from remote sensing vs. lab measurements, without any spatial factors. Then you might think about developed explanatory variables that represent the factors identified in hypotheses a, b, and c above, and see how the regression improves when you add these in. You could also try a geographically weighted regression which would account for the non-random distribution of points (but exclude the spatial mechanistic factors in the hypotheses).

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