My data consists of points derived from a GPS track log, which contains spatial information for GPS points taken at 30-second intervals along with a time stamp for each point. I also have a spreadsheet of field data containing location information for the start and end of an encounter with a species of cetaceans, the time the encounter started and when it ended and other important information such as the species, the number of animals, etc. In order to pair species’ encounters with the GPS tracklog, I use the time information of the encounter and associate those points in the tracklog that correspond with the beginning and ending times.


I am interested in a couple of spatial aspects of this data that are pertinent to this class:

  1. Patterns in the environmental and oceanographic characteristics of the encounter locations that may explain melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra) utilization of these locations.
  2. The spatial distribution of melon-headed whales and other small cetaceans and the patterns in the presence or absence of melon-headed whales and the presence or absence of other species.


These areas of interest bring up the following spatial statistics related questions:

  1. Do environmental and oceanographic characteristics differ significantly between locations?
  2. Which variables are significant predictors of melon-headed whale utilization of these areas?
  3. Do encounter locations differ significantly from locations where melon-headed whales were not seen?
  4. Is there a relationship between the presence (or absence) of melon-headed whales and the presence of other species of small cetaceans?


I am sure there will be more questions that present themselves once I begin delving into the data.

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