Oregon State University
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Fun Stuff Happening At the Office

#FSHAO … f'sh@o

Campus Walking Tour – Sunday May 10 :: 2-4pm

April 9th, 2015

220px-OSAC_Benton_Hall Want to learn a little about the history of OSU campus?
Larry Landis, a Director in the Special Collections & Archives Research Center, offers a campus tour each May as part of the local community’s historic preservation month celebration. This year’s tour is Sunday, May 10 from 2-4 pm. If you’re interested please RSVP by commenting on this post, or emailing Warren Blyth.

They like to limit the tour to around 20-25 people. Any larger than that and the tour group gets too spread out between buildings, which ends up extending the 2 hours to 2 1/2 or more. Warren reserved 5 spots already, so if you’re planning to take part, please let him know.

We’ll post about this again when there’s an official website mention somewhere (The City of Corvallis or Benton County websites should have preservation month events listed soon). Also, we might be able to set up a a noon hour Ecampus Specific tour, after the end of spring term.

So if you’re interested in either of these, please let us know! (like : comment below. maybe. mayhaps)

2 responses to “Campus Walking Tour – Sunday May 10 :: 2-4pm”

  1. Mark Stiffler says:

    I do want to; sounds awesome. That being said, the timing is up against Mothers Day, so Penny has the ‘say’ on the hap’s for the day. Will let you know later if I think we can make it.

  2. Warren Blyth says:

    cool. I told the guy I’d email him back today (Friday) with a final headcount. So i’ll mention you and Penny as a maybe.

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