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Fun Stuff Happening At the Office

#FSHAO … f'sh@o

HTHU: Healthy Food Potluck

January 24th, 2014

This just in:
The Thursday afternoon group of OSU Extended Campus ‘Healthy Team Healthy U’ invites you to join us for a healthy potluck. This is a social get together but we are happy to answer any questions you might have about what we have been talking about for the past several months and what we are doing as part of the HTHU challenge.

We invite you to bring a healthy dish to share. We plan to consolidate the recipes into a HTHU notebook, so please bring your recipe to display with your dish. Nutritional information is a plus. Include your name so you can get credit for your good eats.

Here are the five Ws:
What Healthy food potluck
Where 3rd floor staff lounge – Valley 3779
When Thursday, February 27, 12:00-1:30
Why To get together over some great food
Who YOU!

Remember—the simplest is often the tastiest and healthiest. See you there!

HTHU OSU Extended Campus Team: Claire Cross, Debbie Hamar, Karen Johnston, Joy Jorgensen, Reni Powell, Shannon Riggs, Lisa Templeton & Victor Yee

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