Oregon State University
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Fun Stuff Happening At the Office

#FSHAO … f'sh@o

Coffee talk, with Melanie

August 12th, 2013

We’ve asked Melanie out for a welcome coffee.
On Wednesday the 4th, around 8:30 am, down in Java II. (edit: actually I got the date wrong. it already went down on the 14th! We may post some sort of notes/summary soon. mayyyybe.)
This will be the first “Welcome Wagon” coffee in over a year. And let me tell you, the stress level is… actually, there is no stress! Ha! It’s so nice. ahhh.

Hoping to chat for at least 30 minutes, but no more than an hour.
Planning to keep the group down to around half a dozen (So we’re looking for 2 more people. Sarah and Karen have already jumped in). If you’re free and would like to chat with Melanie about how she’s settling in, where she came from, and what she enjoys outside work – let us know (email us, or comment on this post).

We’d like to make this a fun welcoming activity for new folks, which anyone from any department could join in on. (but we’d also like to make sure we don’t overwhelm. If 3 billion people want to sit at the same little JavaII table, there’ll probably be some kind of scary fire hazard). So we’re posting it here to let everyone know… but we’re also kind of not inviting everyone to just show up… so we’ll see what happens! Adventure!

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