Oregon State University
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Fun Stuff Happening At the Office

#FSHAO … f'sh@o

Getting Started…

August 7th, 2013

Sarah, Amy, Warren, Celina, Elizabeth and Melissa met a couple hours ago to shape and form this group. committee? gang? theoretical conceptual model? club? CULT?!!?

We all agreed that Social Affairs Committee wasn’t going to work as a name. It implies illicit affairs, and rigid bureaucratic committee rules. “Fun Club” was batted around a bit (the first rule of Fun Club is that you should totally talk about fun club), before we settled on “Fun Stuff Here At the Office. or FSHAO for short. pronounced “feh-shah’Ow”. Which will also likely be our twitter hashtag. when we all decide it’s worth signing up for twitter. either #fshao or #fsh@o, it is not yet clear.

It was clearly decided that some organizers in this group will not be using the word “tweet” to describe what they’re doing, at any point in the near or distant future.

It was decided that a web page might be useful, which is what you are reading right now. (META!)

A lot of other stuff was decided, which is too awesome to even type up here in the first blog post. We ran out of time, and decided to meet again on the second wednesday of each month, at 10am, until we didn’t need to meet that often anymore.

If you’d like to jump in and help us organize, just drop any one of us a line.


4 responses to “Getting Started…”

  1. OSU says:

    this is some kind of default comment! don’t believe it! it isn’t real! ahhh!

  2. Shannon says:

    If the floor is still open, I’d vote for Fun Club! Who doesn’t love a good Chuck Palahniuk reference?

    • Warren Blyth says:

      Agreed! However, since Fight Club evolved into Project Mayhem, and is generally associated with darkness and anger, it might be a hard sell.

      Plus, when “f-shao” was uttered in the meeting, there seemed to be an electric hum in the air – as if nearly everyone in the room thought it was a great fun name for the group, at the same time. As if billions of neurons were all firing in sync, and some primitive form of telepathy was manifesting right there in 4142. As if we were all imagining the same dialogue: “Are you in that there social affairs committee thing, or whatever it’s called?” “oh, f’shao?”).

      Plus plus, everyone seemed to dig the idea of name that very directly described what we’re about. We’re about cataloging and promoting “fun stuff happening at the office.”

      … perhaps you and I can start Fun Club, as a counter-office-culture alternative to fshao. Our numbers will become legion.

      … perhaps I am replying too much.

  3. Victor Yee says:

    I’d like to suggest DODGEBALL as an Ecampus team building activity.

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