Ma conversation avec Jack


Jack étudie la sociologie à l’université en France. Il est allé à Corvallis pour l’université aussi, mais pour un peu. Il aime la France et aime la cuisine française et non la cuisine américaine parce-qu’il est plus confortable. Il aimait voir la nature à Corvallis et préférait une petite ville. Il a dit qu’il n’avait pas beaucoup d’amis et qu’il ne pense pas avoir besoin de beaucoup. Il a un petit groupe d’amis comme moi. Il aime être avec ses amis quand il a de mauvais jours. Les étudiants français ont les mêmes problèmes que les étudiants américains.


Je pense qu’il est intéressant qu’il est très similaire à moi. Je pense qu’il n’a pas beaucoup aimé l’Amérique, c’est intéressant. Beaucoup de français gens aiment les Etats-Unis, mais c’est bien qu’il aime sa maison. J’étais très nerveux. Ce expérience a était très informative, parce que je connais quoi étudier!


Side note:


I found this conversation really interesting and helpful to me as I realize now that even if I know words/ sentence formulation in french, pronunciation is a key part of learning french and something I need to work on. It was definitely harder than I expected, I came prepared with a full script of questions and tried my hardest to memorize hypothetical answers but once we began I became very nervous since talking with a native french speaker can be rather intimidating, and since he spoke very fluently and fast, I felt bad asking him to slow down or to repeat things. I often had to pause and think about what he said and try my hardest not to look back at my notes, I think when talking to my peers in class in french is defiantly much easier than talking to a native french speaker! But, I am glad I did it even though this experience was nerve-wracking and very difficult, I learned about what I need to focus on and how I need to improve my confidence when speaking. It taught me a lot about what goes into studying a language, just because you know a bunch of words in french doesn’t always mean that you can get around in France, I think if I were to go to France I would be a bit lost still since my pace is nowhere near that of a native speaker, and sometimes I don’t have confidence in my pronunciation and so I was worried he wouldnt understand me, I focused so much on trying to make my prononciation good that sometimes I wouldn’t fully listen to what he had to say! I tried my best and we had to record this conversation two times because he was going too fast, and I felt really bad.

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