The “Four Season Low Maintenance” Entrance Garden

If you’ve visited the OSU Extension Lane County office recently, you’ll have walked right by one of our newest gardens! Between the sidewalk and the accessible ramp is our “Four Season Low Maintenance” Garden.

This garden area is in progress:  The first step was to remove the very large laurel shrub that had taken over the entire area.  The aboveground portion of the laurel was removed and then the stumps were ground out.  The soil was amended with compost and key anchor plants were added this winter.  A drip irrigation line was added to help provide water to the plants as they get established.   Even in it’s first year, this garden area graced us with amazing plant architecture and beautiful blooms even in those dreary winter months!  Keep your eye on this garden area as it expands and new plants are added!


Rhododendron ‘Blaney’s Blue’


Looking west towards the early spring flowering hellebore.


Pyracantha ‘Victory’

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