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Worried about recalled food?

Posted January 23rd, 2009 by sandekat

This is a message that I received from one of our coordinators on campus. If you have questions about the peanut butter recall, she offers some good points and resources to be aware of.

Please be aware that there is currently a list of recalled food items that contain peanut butter or peanut butter paste. Visit this website and really look through the different links. These food items contain Salmonella and is a brutal process to overcome (I know, I’ve had it). A very short explanation of tainted food items are any food item that contains peanut butter that would have been manufactured industrially, ie., LARGE quantity. So, all of those little orange, square crackers filled with peanut butter (Austin is the brand), DON’T EAT THEM. Also, Little Debbie peanut butter crackers, cookies. Some NutriSystem products, the list is just huge, I can’t possibly hit all of them in an email. Crackers and cookies seem to be the main offenders.

So while you’re shopping for food drive items, please keep these brands in mind. Charity isn’t as fulfilling if the recipient ends up with their head in the toilet. 🙂

Thanks for checking out these lists and be very careful what you’re eating out there. Keep in mind, especially for Freshman, you ARE eating at institutional type restaurants (dorm food), every meal of the day. Unless you can VERIFY the source of your peanut butter, I would steer clear.

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