Oregon State University|blogs.oregonstate.edu
Blog Owner
Evan Marshall

A House Update From San Luis Obispo?

  April 22nd, 2009

As you may know, I’ve been looking into a house for next year.  It just so happens that this is a really cool house at a reasonable price.  Rent is $1400/month and doesn’t include utilities.  It is a 4br/2bth house. There are 5 or 6 of us planning on going in on a house, so costs would be reasonable even after utilities are added in.  The best part is that it’s about a five minute walk to campus.  Additional photos can be seen here. I have now discovered that there is in fact a six AM, and now I’m going to go get ready to learn my brains out.  Satellites, woo!


  April 20th, 2009

Let’s try out this new-fangled blog thingy.

I guess a schedule is as good a place as any to start.


  • 9:00-9:50  Computer Science (CS 162)
  • 3:00-3:50  Vector Calculus (MTH 254)
  • 4:00-4:50  Digital Logic Design (ECE 271)
  • 5:00 PicoSat Meeting.


  • 12:00-1:20 Contemporary Families In The United States, aka “Human Families” (HDFS 201)


  • 9:00-9:50  Computer Science (CS 162)
  • 3:00-3:50  Vector Calculus (MTH 254)
  • 4:00-4:50  Digital Logic Design (ECE 271)


  • 12:00-1:20 Contemporary Families In The United States, aka “Human Families” (HDFS 201)
  • 2:00-late  Sailing!


  • 9:00-9:50  Computer Science (CS 162)
  • 3:00-3:50  Vector Calculus (MTH 254)
  • 4:00-4:50  Digital Logic Design (ECE 271)


  • 7:00 Sometimes OSUARC meeting

Also, I’m bugging off to California for six days.  I’m leaving tomorrow (Tuesday) and should be back Sunday evening. I will be attending the Cal Poly Cubesat Conference with several other PicoSat club members.  It is supposed to be so good that my brain will explode from pure awesome. I have a few things to tie up, but I’m pretty sure most things are in order for my departure (Yes Mom, my homework is done).

Everyone (all two of you) Have a nice day.