General Policies


Academic Integrity & Student Conduct

Students are held responsible for following Oregon State University’s Student Conduct Code.

Students are expected to conduct themselves (including online) in compliance with the university’s community standards of civility, accountability, diversity, respect, and truth.  Students are expected to treat all others with the same respect as they would want afforded themselves.  Disrespectful behavior to others (such as harassing behavior, personal insults, inappropriate language) or disruptive behaviors in the course (such as persistent and unreasonable demands for time and attention both in and out of the classroom) are unacceptable and can result in sanctions.

Students are expected to comply with all regulations pertaining to academic integrity. Academic misconduct is defined as, Any action that misrepresents a student or group’s work, knowledge, or achievement, provides a potential or actual inequitable advantage, or compromises the integrity of the educational process.

For further information, contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards at or 541-737-3656.


Completion Timeline

The endorsement must be completed within seven (7) years from when the first required course was taken.  Because of evolving theory, practice, and standards, it is preferable to complete the endorsement in three (3) years or less.


Course Waivers or Substitutions

Students who have completed similar coursework at another college or university may be eligible to waive some OSU coursework requirements for the endorsement.  To be considered, students must complete an with an official course descriptor (preferably a syllabus, minimally a course catalog description) and a transcript from the other institution.  This process is limited to two (2) courses.  Students must complete at least twelve (12) of the endorsement’s eighteen (18) required credits through Oregon State University.  The internship is ineligible for waiver or substitution.  Transfer credits must meet the following requirements:

  • All academic petitions for course waiver or substitution must be submitted to and approved by the ESOL Endorsement Program Coordinator.
  • There must be a close match to the learning outcomes for the OSU course being waived.
  • The candidate must have earned a grade of 3.0/B or better in the course.  Pass/No pass courses are ineligible.
  • The course must have been taken within endorsement’s normal completion timeline. (See above.)
  • The course must be for at least three (3) quarter hours or two (2) semester hours.
  • Graduate-level courses are preferred (500-level and above), but upper-division courses are considered (300- or 400-level).  Community education or workshop courses (often 700- or 800-level) are ineligible.
  • Courses delivered off-campus or by electronic means must satisfy the OSU guidelines for the electronic delivery of courses. It is the responsibility of the student wishing to transfer the course to provide the necessary documentation to satisfy the OSU guidelines. Traditional extension and correspondence courses with no live or real-time interaction with the instructor are not transferable.


Disability Access

Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. For a copy of university policy and guidelines, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access at 541-737-8382 or It is the intent of OSU and the College of Education that faculty go beyond legal requirements in fostering an inclusive learning atmosphere. The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access is committed to success for the entire university community through equality, fairness, and understanding.

Accommodations for students with disabilities are determined and approved by Disability Access Services (DAS). If you, as a student, believe you are eligible for accommodations but have not obtained approval please contact DAS immediately at 541-737-4098 or at DAS notifies students and faculty members of approved academic accommodations and coordinates implementation of these accommodations. While not required, students and faculty members are encouraged to discuss details of the implementation of individual accommodations.


Enrollment in Other OSU Programs

Students who are concurrently enrolled in another Oregon State University (OSU) academic program are expected to be in good standing with that program.  Students who are no longer in good standing with another OSU program may be placed on a plan of assistance and/or asked to suspend taking ESOL coursework until they have re-established good standing with that other program.


Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements

To complete the endorsement, students must have a 3.0/B or higher GPA in their ESOL coursework.  If students fall below a 3.0 GPA in their ESOL coursework at any time in the program, they will be put on a plan of assistance.  Students may also be put on a plan of assistance for receiving a grade below 2.7/B- in any one ESOL course.


Incomplete Policy

When a major requirement of a course has not been completed and the rest of the academic work is passing, a student may request that an incomplete (for a course that has not been completed) be granted by an instructor.  The incomplete (I) grade is only granted at the discretion of the instructor.  Incomplete are normally limited to emergency cases (e.g., death in the family, major illness or injury, brith of your child), and if the student has turned in 80% of the points possible. The reasons for the incomplete must be acceptable to the instructor, and the instructor must agree that the remaining requirements can be adequately completed at a later date.  Some courses do not lend themselves well to incomplete grades because of their interactive nature.

If an incomplete is granted, the instructor must also submit the grade the student will earn if the missing work is not completed (e.g., I/C- or I/F).  The instructor documents the deficiency and the deadline for completing the missing work; a copy is given to the ESOL Endorsement Program Coordinator.  To remove the I grade, the student must complete the deficiency within the allotted time and the instructor will then submit the appropriate grade. If the student fails to complete the work within the allotted time, the Registrar’s Office will automatically change the I grade on the student’s record to the alternate grade submitted by the instructor at the time the I was given. The alternate grade will be included in the grade point average. Under no circumstances shall a student who earns an A–F grade or an N or U grade have his or her grade changed retroactively to an I grade.

More information is available at


Plans of Assistance

When faculty express concern about a student’s progress in the endorsement program, that student may be placed on an individualized plan of assistance for meeting program benchmarks.  The purpose is to clearly articulate program expectations and how the College of Education faculty will assist the student in meeting these expectations.  At a minimum, the plan will be signed by the ESOL Endorsement Program Coordinator and the student.  A copy will be placed in the student’s College of Education file.  Any other recipients will be listed on the document before the student signs it.


Privacy of Records

Our program follows OSU policy, as well as state and federal law (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act – FERPA), related to the privacy of student records.  Only directory information is considered public record, and it may be restricted by student request for confidentiality.  More information can be found at


Program Completion

Students who have completed all program components must submit program completion information to the ESOL Endorsement Program Coordinator via Taskstream.  It is highly recommended that candidates submit this program completion information as soon as possible, even if they choose to delay adding the endorsement to their teaching licenses (see Licensure Information).