Guest Blogger: Lindsay Wills

Students watching the Nye/Ham Debate

OSU-ChUME organized a watch party for the Tuesday night debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham entitled, “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?”. This was a long debate, scheduled to last two and half hours, so we got some pizza and gave people a place to watch the debate with fellow scientists and engineers.

The debate was a very interesting watch. Our audience was primarily on the evolution side of this debate, cheering several times at points made by Bill Nye. Nye made several excellent arguments to show that the earth is much older than the 6,000 years asserted by Ken Ham. Nonetheless, Ken Ham reiterated many times throughout the night that he believes that the bible is the literal word of god, and no one could ever convince him that the word of god is not true.

Students watching the Nye/Ham Debate

However, it didn’t seem like Bill Nye was there to change Ken Ham’s mind. Nye put a strong emphasis on reaching out to voters and kids during his chances to talk. He appealed to voters that the U.S. must continue to fund science education and warned that the U.S. could fall behind technologically if we do not keep science important in the classroom. For more information about the debate, or to watch a replay, visit

Students watching the Nye/Ham Debate

OSU-ChUME hosted this event to give undergraduate and graduate science students a chance to intermingle and talk about issues relevant to the lives of both groups. We will continue to host events like this throughout the remainder of the year. For more information about the OSU-ChUME program, contact Maduka Ogba ( or Lindsay Wills (

Guest Blogger: Lindsay Wills

OSU-ChUME hosted an event titled “Linus Pauling and the Responsibility of the Scientist” on Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 6pm. This event featured Linda Richards, who spoke about Linus Pauling and his legacy within the peace movement and nuclear proliferation. The goal of this event was to learn about Linus Pauling and to open discussions amongst undergraduate and graduate students about Linus Pauling and how his life can be used to understand our role as scientists in society today.

This event was a great success. Linda gave an exceptional presentation and was very knowledgeable about nuclear proliferation and Linus Pauling’s involvement in the peace movements of the 1960’s. The audience was also exceptional, asking a wide variety of questions about the scientific and societal aspects of the talk.  The questions ranged from understanding how the effects of nuclear testing should be measured to what modern social movement is most analogous to the peace movement.

If you missed this event, there will be more events like this coming up later in the term! Next Tuesday, February 4, we will be hosting a watch party for Bill Nye’s debate with creationist Ken Ham (Location: TBA). Come join us for pizza and enthusiastic conversations about science!

OSU-ChUME is hosting an event titled “Linus Pauling and the Responsibility of the Scientist” on  Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 6pm in LPSC 402.

Our guest speaker, Linda Richards*, will speak on how Linus Pauling’s work, as a chemist and an activist, affected the global peace and social justice movements.

The goal of this event is to use Linus Pauling’s life as a framework to understand how chemists impact the broader community, and to begin the dialogue on  the responsibility of our generation of scientists (undergraduate and graduate students) to properly engage in service to these communities.

We hope to see you there!


OSU-ChUME Graduate Student Mentors

Chemistry Department,

Oregon State University



Linda Marie Richards is a PhD (ABD) in the History of Science. She is a 2014 Chemical Heritage Foundation Doan Fellow who has been researching nuclear history at Oregon State University since 2007. Richards has been speaking with the public about nuclear issues since 1986, when she walked across country with the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament.

Chemistry students!

Some of the graduate students have rallied together and started an initiative with YOU in mind.

Strong, long-lasting mentorship, as well as personal and professional empowerment are two key pillars of successful individuals. OSU’s Chemistry Undergraduate Mentoring and Empowerment (OSU-ChUME) Initiative is here to help you achieve these two pillars.

OSU-ChUME will help you foster professional long-lasting relationships between you and graduate/professional chemistry students.

OSU-ChUME is also dedicated to empowering you with all the tools necessary to stay on top of the chemistry field.

We invite you to our inaugural meet-and-greet: 5pm on Friday, October 25, 2013 at Gilbert 324. In this meet-and-greet, you will get to know the growing list of graduate student mentors (& start forming these professional relationships!). We will also talk about all the opportunities this initiative plans on providing to you. Of course, light refreshments will be provided.

We look forward to meeting you and beginning this journey!



Lindsay Wills & Maduka Ogba

OSU-ChUME Founders & Chemistry Doctoral Students

Oregon State University


P.S. – Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may benefit from this.