We are asking your assistance in forwarding this message to inform students and faculty in your department of these outstanding fellowship opportunities.  More detailed information and an online application can be found at www.nationalacademies.org/rap.

The National Research Council of the National Academies sponsors a number of awards for graduate, postdoctoral and senior researchers at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions. These awards include generous stipends ranging from $45,000 – $80,000 per year for recent Ph.D. recipients, and higher for additional experience.  Graduate entry level stipends begin at $30,000.  These awards provide the opportunity for recipients to do independent research in some of the best-equipped and staffed laboratories in the U.S.  Research opportunities are open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and for some of the laboratories, foreign nationals.

Detailed program information, including online applications, instructions on how to apply, and a list of participating laboratories, are available on the NRC Research Associateship Programs Web site (see link above).

Questions should be directed to the NRC at 202-334-2760 (phone) or rap@nas.edu.

There are four annual review cycles.

Review Cycle:  May; Opens March 1; Closes May 1

Review Cycle:  August; Opens June 1; Closes August 1

Review Cycle:  November; Opens September 1; Closes November 1

Review Cycle:  February; Opens December 1; Closes February 1

Applicants should contact prospective Adviser(s) at the lab(s) prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests and funding opportunities.

The Research Office, Office for Research Development is requesting letters of intent for the National Science Foundation (NSF) – Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NSF-NUE) in Engineeringprogram.

NSF 14-541


Research Office Letter of Intent submission deadline:  Friday, April 4, 2014

Synopsis of Program:

The NSF-NUE program aims at introducing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology through a variety of interdisciplinary approaches into undergraduate engineering education. The focus of the FY 2014 competition is on nanoscale engineering education with relevance to devices and systems and/or on the societal, ethical, economic and/or environmental issues relevant to nanotechnology.

Anticipated Funding Amount: $1,900,000 pending availability of funds. Each award will be up to a maximum of $200,000 for two years.

Limit Summary: Only one proposal may be submitted by a US academic institution, College/Department of Engineering or College/Department of Engineering Technology as the lead institution.

The proposals will need to be screened within the College of Engineering. If there are multiple proposals we ask that Dean Ashford determine which proposal will represent the college and Oregon State University for submission to NSF by the full proposal deadline of May 27, 2014. Please let Debbie Delmore (debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu) in the Research Office know who will be submitting a proposal to NSF as soon as the decision is made.

Guidance for preparation of societal, ethical, economic and/or environmental issues relevant to nanotechnology focused letter of intent to the Research Office:

  • Title of Project
  • Name of PI/Co-PI, Department and College
  • Description of proposed project
  • Statement on focused societal, ethical, economic and/or environmental issues relevant to nanotechnology
  • Letters of Intent are limited to two pages (single-spaced, 12 pt. font).
  • Submit electronically as a MSWord or PDF document to:  debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu

For further information, please contact Mary Phillips, Director of the Office for Research Development at mary.phillips@oregonstate.edu


Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program:

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Highlights from nearly 600 awards offered in this year’s program include:

New Countries Offering Awards

After a 10-year hiatus, the U.S. Scholar Fulbright program is reopening in Belize, the Bahamas, and Guyana.  The Bahamas has a strong academic community with a healthy appetite for new and cutting-edge research.  Applicants interested in a teaching or teaching/research grant to Belize will find themselves in high demand for their expertise in a country that abounds with natural wonders.  Guyana is eager to benefit from curriculum development, knowledge exchange and research collaboration.

Visit the interactive map on the new Fulbright Scholar Program website for an overview of additional opportunities in:

  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • East Asia and the Pacific
  • Europe-Eurasia
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • South and Central Asia
  • The Western Hemisphere

Interested faculty and professionals are encouraged to learn more about core Fulbright U.S. Scholar opportunities by visiting the online Catalog of Awards.

The application deadline for most awards is August 1, 2014.  U.S. citizenship is required.

For other eligibility requirements and detailed award descriptions, please visit our website.


The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is the U.S. government’s flagship international exchange program and is supported by the people of the United States and partner countries around the world. For more information, visit eca.state.gov/fulbright.

For more information about Fulbright Scholars at OSU, both those who have received awards as well as those who are visiting OSU as Fulbright Scholars, contact Julie.walkin@oregonstate.edu


American Chemical Society (ACS)

Petroleum Research Fund (PRF)

Submission Deadline: March 14, 2014

Program Information: http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/funding-and-awards/grants/prf/programs.html

American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund research grant programs support fundamental research in the petroleum field, and development of the next generation of engineers and scientists through advanced scientific education. Research areas supported include chemistry, the earth sciences, chemical and petroleum engineering, and related fields such as polymers and materials science.

ACS PRF is currently accepting research proposals for New Directions (grants for new directions in research), Doctoral New Investigator (starter grants for new faculty), Undergraduate Research (grants for undergraduate faculty), Undergraduate New Investigator grants (starter grants for new faculty).


Human Frontier Science Program


The Research Office, Office for Research Development is requesting letters for intent for the NSF – High Performance Computing System Acquisition (HPCSA): Continuing the Building of a More Inclusive Computing Environment for Science and Engineering program.

Deadline to submit letters of intent to the Research Office: Monday, March 17, 2014

The current solicitation is intended to complement previous NSF investments in advanced computational infrastructure by exploring new and creative approaches to delivering computational resources to the scientific community. Consistent with the Advanced Computing Infrastructure: Vision and Strategic Plan (February 2012), the current solicitation is focused on expanding the use of high-end resources to a much larger and more diverse community. To quote from that strategic plan, the goal is to “… position and support the entire spectrum of NSF-funded communities … and to promote a more comprehensive and balanced portfolio …. to support multidisciplinary computational and data-enabled science and engineering that in turn supports the entire scientific, engineering and educational community.” Thus, while continuing to provide essential and needed resources to the more traditional users of HPC, this solicitation expands the horizon to include research communities that are not users of traditional HPC systems, but who would benefit from advanced computational capabilities at the national level. Building, testing, and deploying these resources within the collaborative ecosystem that encompasses national, regional and campus resources continues to remain a high priority for NSF and one of increasing importance to the science and engineering community.

Guidance for preparation of letters of intent: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/nsf-hpcsa

NSF – HPCSA: Continuing the Building of a More Inclusive computing Environment for Science and Engineering information: http://nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14536/nsf14536.htm

If you have any question, contact Mary Phillips, Director, Office of Research Development at mary.phillips@oregonstate.edu


National Research Council (NRC)

Research Associateship Program

We are asking your assistance in forwarding this message to inform students and faculty in your department of these outstanding fellowship opportunities.  More detailed information and an online application can be found at www.nationalacademies.org/rap.

The National Research Council of the National Academies sponsors a number of awards for graduate, postdoctoral and senior researchers at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions.  These awards include generous stipends ranging from $42,000 – $80,000 per year for recent Ph.D. recipients, and higher for additional experience.  Graduate entry level stipends begin at $30,000.  These awards provide the opportunity for recipients to do independent research in some of the best-equipped and staffed laboratories in the U.S.  Research opportunities are open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and for some of the laboratories, foreign nationals.

Detailed program information, including online applications, instructions on how to apply and a list of participating laboratories, is available on the NRC Research Associateship Programs Website (see link above).

Questions should be directed to the NRC at 202-334-2760 (phone) or rap@nas.edu.

There are four annual review cycles.

Review Cycle:  May; Opens March 1; Closes May 1

Review Cycle:  August; Opens June 1; Closes August 1

Review Cycle:  November; Opens September 1; Closes November 1

Review Cycle:  February; Opens December 1; Closes February 1

Applicants should contact prospective Adviser(s) at the lab(s) prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests and funding opportunities.


Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) New Investigator Competition

Deadline for applications: June 3, 2014

Dear Dr. Ray,

I am pleased to share with you the news that Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is holding a national competition to select new HHMI investigators from among our country’s top scientists. We invite researchers to apply who investigate significant biological problems in all of the biomedical disciplines, including plant biology as well as in adjacent fields such as evolutionary biology, biophysics, chemical biology, biomedical engineering, and computational biology. Physician scientists are encouraged to participate in the competition. We expect to appoint between 20 and 25 new investigators.

Your institution is one of approximately 200 across the nation whose faculty members are eligible to participate in this open competition. There are no limits on the number of applicants or awardees from any eligible institution, and candidates apply directly without an institutional nomination. Nevertheless, we ask that you encourage appropriate scientists to participate. More information about the HHMI Investigator Program and this competition may be found on our website:http://www.hhmi.org/inv2015.

In brief, candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria at the time of the application deadline:

  • PhD and/or MD (or the equivalent).
  • Tenured or tenure-track position as an assistant professor or higher academic rank (or the equivalent) at an eligible U.S. institution, which would become the host institution.
  • More than 5, but no more than 15, years of post-training, professional experience. To meet this requirement, the applicant’s professional appointment(s) must have begun no earlier than June 1, 1999, and no later than July 1, 2009.
  • Principal investigator on one or more active, national peer-reviewed research grants with a duration of at least three years, such as an NIH R01 grant. Mentored awards, career development and training grants do not qualify. Multi-investigator grants may qualify.

Eligibility for the competition must be established no later than May 1, 2014. The deadline for submission of all application materials is June 3, 2014, at 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

The HHMI review process will include evaluation of applications by distinguished scientists, leading to the selection of semifinalists by early 2015. Institutions whose applicants are selected will be notified and will be asked to confirm that the candidate’s status at the institution meets all eligibility requirements. Following further review, finalists will be selected in April 2015, with appointments to begin as early as September 1, 2015. Institutions with finalists who have not previously hosted an HHMI investigator will be invited to enter into a collaborative agreement with HHMI.

HHMI welcomes applications from outstanding women and minorities under-represented in the biomedical sciences. As an equal opportunity employer, HHMI does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, or other characteristics, in accordance with applicable law.

We appreciate your help in distributing this announcement to colleagues at your institution.

With best regards,

Erin K. O’Shea
Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions

Deadline for letters of intent to the Research Office: Monday, March 17, 2014

The Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Lectureship awards provide an $18,500 grant to bring a leading researcher to a primarily undergraduate institution to give a series of lectures in the chemical sciences and to support two undergraduates in summer research. The lecturer is expected to substantially interact with undergraduate students and faculty over the period of the visit. The undergraduates are expected to engage with mentors in contemporary research.

Guidance for preparation of letters of intent: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/dreyfus_boissevain

Submit letters of intent to Debbie Delmore at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu.

Dreyfus Foundation program information:  http://dreyfus.org/awards/jean_dreyfus_boissevain.shtml

If you have any questions, contact Mary Phillips, Director, Office for Research Development at mary.phillips@oregonstate.edu.

Some funding opportunities for your students:

1.       Ford Foundation Fellowships: Nov 20, 2013; http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/FordFellowships/

2.      NSF Graduate Research Fellowships: Nov 4th, 2013; http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201 http://www.nsfgrfp.org/

3.      Wei Family Foundation Fellowships- http://www.wfpf888.org/   (see below)

4.      SACNAS is another place for recruiting minority students:  http://sacnas.org/students/opportunities/grad (and to advertise for faculty)

5.      http://www.spo.berkeley.edu/fund/womenminority.html

3.  I have recently met with the Wei Family Private Foundation folks.  As some of you may know:

“In 1936 Ms Chung Kwai Lui arrived in the USA as an exchange student on scholarship from China. While experiencing cultural and dietary differences and adjusting to them, she also had to balance her studies with work. She worked at different jobs with odd hours to support herself financially and to avoid interference with her studies. Dr. Chung Kwai Lui overcame these challenges and in 1941 she was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in Physics from Oregon State University. Dr. C.K. Lui went on to become a nationally ranked research scientist who worked on the “Manhattan Project” and who was named “Woman of the Day” by Eleanor Roosevelt on May 30, 1949.”

They support a number of students in science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, etc. at OSU, over a dozen scholarships for over $130k last year alone.  There are more funds to support OSU students, and in fact, this year, they had to transfer some funds to students at Columbia since they did not receive enough applications from OSU students.  Supports approximately $12k/yr for grad and $9k/yr for undergrad.  Check is not written to OSU Foundation (because of its restriction to students of Chinese heritage- too specific), but it is written to OSU student account that the student has a direct control over.  It is not sent to the student bank account since that would be taxable.  OSU helps the students with general advice regarding those funds.

Please make use of this info as you see fit with your students.  Their hope is that Science makes effective use of resources that some of their students are eligible to receive, and recruit the best students to OSU.  Their money is restricted to be used for OSU and Columbia only.  They typically advertise these through their own websites and network.


Mission Statement

The Wei Family Private Foundation a non-profit organization was established to honor the memory of Dr. (Mrs.) Chung Kwai Lui Wei and Mr. Hsin Hsu Wei. Its purpose is to award scholarship grants to students of Chinese heritage with high academic credentials who are pursuing a degree in Science or Engineering or Mathematics at Oregon State University or an Electrical Engineering graduate degree at Columbia University


  • Scholarship Grants to Students of Chinese Heritage
    • American or Overseas Born
  • GPA: 3.5 or higher
  • Pursuing an Electrical Engineering Graduate Degree at Columbia University
    • Scholarship Grant Awards
      • Up to three grants available per academic year
      • Up to 50% of tuition cost per grant

~ or ~

  • Pursuing a Science or Engineering or Mathematics Degree at Oregon State University
    • Scholarship Grant Awards
      • Up to eight grants available per academic year
      • Up to 80% of tuition cost per grant

Contact Information

Email: info@wfpf888.org