Many of you have been asking if we will continue the pilot program to allow Ecampus courses to count toward full time status which includes tuition remission. Sabah has decided to continue this program but reassess financial impacts to the institution annually. I am suggesting that we reassess at the end of this academic year (Spring 2013), and decide at that time to continue or not.
We also will continue to cover costs to units teaching the courses as has been done for the past year. The Budget Office charges the unit that employs the student the cost of the remission (as we do for a “usual” graduate remission). That tuition is then paid to Ecampus, so the total income to Ecampus is not reduced because of the remissions and the income from the course is then passed on to the teaching unit with no reduction.
Brenda McComb, Dean
The Graduate School
Rm 300 Kerr Admin Bldg
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon, 97330 USA
Phone: 541-737-4881 , Fax: 541-737-3313