Dear colleague,

The PROMISE internship program invites you to apply to be a mentor for a 2017 summer intern.

Mentors serve as guides by facilitating learning and providing direction for the PROMISE intern. The mentor-mentee relationship helps to build rapport, trust, and shared power allowing the team to co-create a robust, transformative learning, eight-week summer experience from June 26 – August 18, 2017.

The PROMISE program has undergone several revisions throughout the last year to better fit the needs of mentors and students while providing a valuable experience. Review new 2017 changes to the program. These revisions include changes to the application process and timeline, as well as emphasis on forming mentoring relationships that guide students in their personal development and professional growth.

More information about becoming a mentor can be found on the PROMISE program mentor page: The mentor application is due Tuesday, March 7 at 4:00pm.

The student application process will follow during April and requires mentor participation in presenting potential projects, meeting with students to discuss projects, and signing mentor approval forms for student applications.

PROMISE internships are important for OSU and Oregon communities because many PROMISE alumni become leaders in Oregon and beyond. This is also a powerful way we continue to build OSU’s great community and network of professionals. Many of our previous mentors have developed long-term working relationships with their interns, and even continued interns on for hire post-internship.

PROMISE is administered and supported by Diversity & Cultural Engagement within the Division of Student Affairs. For more information about the PROMISE program or updates visit:

For questions or more information contact:

Thank you,

Charlene Martinez, and the entire PROMISE Team

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