The Academic Success Center (ASC) has proposed a Scaled Learning Innovation Grant to fund the research toward and development of high-quality, visually engaging, and stimulating video-based success modules. The modules will highlight learning and study strategies to support and increase student success, within the context of specific disciplines. As such, the video modules will be developed through collaboration with partner-college faculty.

In accordance with the Innovation Grant timeline, we need to identify college/departmental partners by December 18th. Because of our previous work together and the breadth of enrollment in your courses, we are highly interested in partnering with the College of Science.

By collaborating with faculty at each step of the module development, incorporating interactive multimedia technology, and focusing on discipline specific strategies, we hope to create compelling learning and study materials and facilitate meaningful faculty and student interaction. We see opportunity for these modules to be shared by faculty in classes or as links provided to students.

The ASC has submitted an initial Innovation Grant proposal and we are now seeking a few college/departmental partners with whom we can pilot this initiative. We anticipate working with identified partners during Winter Term to determine module topics and plan production needs. Spring Term will focus largely on production with the summer months available to finalize the modules. The modules will be ready for distribution and faculty use Fall 2016.

I recognize the timeframe for identifying possible partners is tight. We welcome any feedback related to the proposal and are open to exploring ways this project could be viable in your college. If collaboration seems feasible, I’d like to visit with you so we can hammer out the details and identify shared expectations prior to the December 18 grant deadline.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss further.

Jesse Nelson, Ph.D.
Director, Academic Success Center
Oregon State University
102 Waldo Hall

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