Next Friday (3/13/15) Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore, President and CEO of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (who wrote the mentoring articles and mentor map model we discussed in the Search Advocate program) will be speaking on campus.  The target audience is tenure-track faculty, but those who work with and/or mentor tenure-track faculty will likely also find this quite valuable.  Please share this message and the attached flyer with anyone you know who might be interested—I particularly recommend it for anyone serving on a Provost’s Hiring Initiative search committee this year.  The session will be live-streamed, but is unlikely to be recorded or rebroadcast…so take advantage of the opportunity while she’s here!

The Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering, Science, and the Oregon State ADVANCE program are cosponsoring a session on “Time Management & Mentoring for Pre-Tenure Faculty” with Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore on March 13, 3:30-6:30 p.m. at LaSells Stewart Center in the Construction and Engineering Hall; this will be available by streaming ( to participants off-campus; unit leaders are welcome to participate. Please register if you are on campus and plan to attend in person by following the link in the attached flyer.

Thanks to Stella Coakley for forwarding this flyer and information, and thanks to all the sponsors for bringing Dr. Rockquemore to campus!

Registration is appreciated:

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