The first annual Portland American Chemical Society Undergraduate Poster Symposium will be held on Sunday, October 5, at the SRTC Building (formerly Science II) at Portland State University, from 4-7 PM.  We hope to have 50 or more undergraduates presenting posters about their summer research;  there will be free pizza and beer (and other food and drink).

I am writing to invite you to send grad students, postdocs, and faculty to display materials and/or pamphlets about your school at a table we will provide, and to interact with students who are interested in your graduate school.

We also need judges to determine who should receive $150 first prizes and possibly $75 second prizes in each of seven divisions.  To the extent you can identify specific people who would attend, it would be most helpful to know their names, email addresses, and the divisions they are willing to judge (Organic, Inorganic, Analytical, Physical, Biochemistry, Polymers, Materials); or ask them to contact me directly,  This is all free of charge.  Thank you!

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