Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that registration and abstract submission for the 24th meeting of the International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 2013), to be held in beautiful Corvallis, Oregon USA September 8-12, 2013, is now open:
Sessions topics include:
- Analytical Measurements
- Toxicology and Metabolism
- Environmental Fate and Transport
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- PACs in Food and the Environment
- PAC Emissions and Cook Stove Interventions
- Risk Assessment and Remediation
- Environmental Forensic Investigations
- Human Exposure
- Health Effects of PACs
- PACs in Tobacco Research
- PACs in Consumer Products and their Environmental Effects
- PACs at Contaminated Sites
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 3, 2013
Early Bird Registration Deadline: June 30, 2013
Hotel Group Rate Deadline: August 8, 2013
We look forward to seeing you in Corvallis this September!
Staci Simonich Andreas Sjodin
ISPAC 2013 co-chair ISPAC 2013 co-chair