Thursday, March 5, 2020 ||Memorial Union, Corvallis Campus

We invite your direct contributions to this opportunity to learn from and with one another as we collectively work toward achieving the engagement, retention, achievement, and graduation goals articulated in SP 4.0. 

USSI efforts are organized around five topical areas: Curricular Excellence, Experiential & Research-based Learning, Faculty-Student Interactions, Financial Aid & Scholarships, and the Transition Experience.

All of us play a key role in contributing to the success of our students, so we invite you to submit a proposal based on the efforts you and your colleagues have advanced in your respective areas of the university. 

Possible topic areas might include:

·         Student Feedback/Correspondence – Have you made changes in terms of frequency, modality, or wording that have proven effective?

·         Interactive Engagement and/or Cooperative Learning – What adjustments are yielding positive outcomes in your classrooms, outside the classroom, in laboratories or communities outside of OSU?

·         Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Efforts to improve the educational experiences of students of color, first-generation, and other “non-traditional” students at OSU. 

·         Achievement Gaps – Sharing your work toward redressing historical achievement gaps within your program, college, or broadly at OSU

·         Communication/Outreach – Have you contributed to campaigns designed to ease students’ navigation of the university, understanding of the curriculum, and/or maximizing the array of opportunities available at OSU? What is working for you? 

·         Financial Supports – Changes implemented to assist students in terms of financial stability

·         Office Hours – What successful strategies have you employed to encourage student attendance?

·         And many, many more…

Presenters may propose a five-to-seven-minute lightning talk, a 45-minute breakout session, a 45-minute panel discussion, or a poster presentation of their work.

Please SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL by January 17, 2020

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