The application process for the Fall Faculty and Staff Awards are now open.


CoS faculty, staff and/or students may submit nominations. The deadline to submit nominations is 15 July 2019 for:


F.A. Gilfillan Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Science
Recognizes distinguished scholarship and scientific accomplishments by faculty members in Science. Special consideration is given to candidates with distinguished research careers.

Milton Harris Award in Basic Research in Science
Recognizes exceptional achievement in basic research by honoring an outstanding faculty member in the College of Science. Special consideration is given to recent research that was carried out at OSU and that will have a significant impact on its field.

Dean’s Early Career Achievement Award
Recognized exceptional achievement in research and education by an early-career tenure-stream faculty member.

Outstanding Faculty Research Assistant or Associate Award
Recognizes an individual Faculty Research Assistant, Associate, or Senior Faculty Assistant or Associate with a career record of outstanding job performance and contributions.

Gladys Valley Award for Exemplary Administrative Support Recognizes outstanding job performance and dedication by a College staff person to the individual’s Department and to the College.


Please contact Mark Johnson for the nomination process for the ASBC Awards:

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