As you know, graduating seniors are required to take final examinations during the regularly scheduled Final Examination Week of Spring Term. However, because actual diplomas are distributed to eligible graduation applicants at Commencement on Saturday, June 15, 2019, Oregon State University must adhere to the following procedures for clearing Spring Term degree candidates.


Specific documentation about how to submit preliminary grades is sent to faculty when grading opens on Monday, May 6th. If you have questions regarding the preliminary grades policy, please in the Office of the Registrar.



Procedures for Spring Degree Candidates

Commencement 2019


  1. Monday, May 6, 2019– “Preliminary” grade rosters are sent to instructors via email from The email will include attached pdf files outlining the grading process and the instructor’s student roster.
  2. Monday, May 13, 2019– Preliminary grades are due by noon. Grades should reflect the anticipated final grade. A preliminary grade of “I” (or any non-passing grade) will prevent releasing a student’s diploma at commencement.
  3. Tuesday, May 14, 2019– Preliminary degree review process begins for baccalaureate degrees. Coordination with the Graduate School for master’s and doctoral degree review begins.
  4. Tuesday, May 28, 2019– Students who are definitively ineligible or potentially ineligible based on university graduation requirements, college/school requirements, or departmental graduation requirements (guided by Head Advisors) are notified.
  5. Finals Week – Faculty should upload final grades as soon as possible for degree candidates with a final grade of D, F, N, or I/GRADE. Unless a final grade has been submitted, the decision for diploma distribution is based on the preliminary grades submitted.
  6. Saturday, June 15, 2019- Baccalaureate degree candidates with degree deficiencies may participate in commencement, but will not receive their diploma.


Your efforts make it possible for us to continue OSU’s special tradition of distributing actual diplomas on commencement day. Thank you.

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