Spring is here and everyone is into the spring cleaning, so much that keeping up with the inflow of recycling and surplus is a challenge given our available resources.

In addition to spring cleaning, other seasonal activities have increased:

  • Increased event recycling requests.
  • We are prepping for the Res. Hall Move-Out Donation Drive. This starts May 28 with set up and runs through late June. We are expecting 15+ tons of materials to be removed from the residence halls and donated or sold at Surplus. We started in 2010 with 6 tons and due to the efforts of Recycling, Surplus, UHDS, and volunteers, we have been able to help over 15 non-profits every year and reduced the items going to the landfill. To recoup our costs, some materials will be resold through the store during our normal department and public sale hours, and at a special Saturday sale on June 22.

To accommodate this increased demand, we have implemented the following solutions:

  • Added evening and weekend hours for services related to move out
  • Hired more student staff
  • Added more confidential bins to our inventory
  • Moved move out sorting operations to the fairgrounds to minimize disruptions at our warehouse

The Bottom Line:

With all these efforts we are still challenged in meeting demand. Our services for recycling special requests, event recycling, surplus pick-ups, and move services will be halted or delayed May 27 – June 19. We appreciate your patience. 

Alternative Options:

Here are some alternatives and ways you can be a part of the University’s efforts for sustainability while also reducing your wait time:

  • Surplus: If you have the ability to bring your property to the warehouse, you can eliminate the 2-3 week wait time for pick-up. We can accept on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8 am – 4 pm, if you first submit the required drop off request and give us a call at 541-737-7347. Please remember that surplus items cannot be left in hallways in your building, as this violates fire safety regulations.
  • Recycling: If you have any clean-out or confidential carts for recycling that aren’t being used, please put inan online request to be returned. If you have special recycling pick-up requests to make, please submit soon. These special pick-ups will not be provided June 5-19.
  • Events: Event recycling and trash services will be limited May 27 – June 19, 2019. We will make every effort to accommodate requests that are made at least 10 business days before your event if your request comes in before Memorial Day weekend. Requests for events hosted May 27 – June 19 that are submitted after Memorial Day or less than 10 business days before your event will not have priority and we may not be able to accommodate them.
  • Campus Moves: To address the higher priority needs of managing waste, recycling and surplus property pick-ups, we will not be providing move services May 27 – June 19, 2019. There are several local moving companies to assist you during this time frame; see examples here. If you choose to move yourself, you may borrow a hand truck or dolly from the Surplus warehouse.

Thank you,

Rae DeLay

Materials Manager – Campus Recycling & Surplus


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