We are hiring! Five positions here in Corvallis/Newport and over a hundred positions across the Office of Research and Development within EPA. Happy to discuss but whatever you can do to alert potential candidates is much appreciated.

Two post-docs (one in Corvallis and one in Newport)

Beyond what’s going on in Oregon, EPA is hiring a total of 70 (!!) post-docs


In addition, we have three Recent Graduate Pathways positions posting soon (probably by the end of the month at usajobs.gov). There will be an additional 30-40 of these positions across Office of Research and Development within EPA.

  • Administrative Officer – starts at GS-07 – Minimum bachelor’s degree
  • Analytical Chemist – starts at GS-11 – Minimum master’s degree, prefer PhD
  • Statistician – starts at GS-11 – Minimum master’s degree, prefer PhD

These positions are potentially convertible to permanent federal employees after a year.

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