The Physical Sciences Division at the University of Chicago is proud to announce the PSD Pathway Scholarship, a program that offers two years of full tuition, fees, insurance and stipend support to our Masters of Science in the Physical Sciences Division (MS-PSD). Instructions on how to apply can be found here.

We need your help reaching any potential applicants who would benefit from two years of fully funded coursework and research in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Biophysical Sciences, Chemistry, Geophysical Sciences, or Physics. The MS-PSD  program is intended to prepare students for doctoral study in these fields, and the PSD Pathway Scholarship focuses on supporting students who would benefit from receiving additional support as they work towards their doctoral degree. Please share this announcement with anyone you think would be interested in this opportunity.

We’re also happy to answer any questions over email; please be in touch with me or Laura Rigazzi, Associate Dean of Students in the Physical Sciences Division.

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