One of the things we do best in the College of Science is getting students excited to participate in undergraduate research. We are looking forward to another great year of supporting the coordinated resources offered and help facilitate everyone’s experience.
The first opportunity of the year is the College of Science + Honors College Research Mixer – Tuesday, October 23 from 3 – 5 p.m. Honors Collegestudents are eager to learn about the work that you and your colleagues are invested in, as well as possibly partnering with you for their thesis work. 
We would love to have facuty participate from each of our departments. Each presenting faculty brings a slide to present their work, and gives their best one-minute pitch. After the presentations, students and faculty have the opportunity to mingle and pursue deeper conversations. 
Should you want to broaden your scope of students, please consider participating in the URSA Engage program hosted by the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & The Arts office. This program is designed to help students begin research and develop their skills early in their college career. Faculty mentor applications are due October 22nd. 
In February, the College of Science will open applications for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program. College of Science students will get prepped on how to pursue this opportunity to do research full-time over the summer here at OSU. This past year we were able to fund 37 students!
Contact Gabrielle James with your interest in participating or questions you may have about these programs

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