Tenure Track Faculty Position
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Atlanta, GA 30332-0400
THE GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY seeks to fill a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level. Candidates from all areas will be considered, with opportunities for joint appointments in other departments of science and engineering to facilitate interdisciplinary research and scholarship. These candidates should submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, summary of research plans, description of teaching interests and philosophy, and arrange for submission of three letters of reference. We also seek applications from exceptional candidates at advanced levels who perceive opportunities for exciting synergism with our department and the Institute. Please submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, and a brief description of research plans (particularly if future plans differ significantly from past efforts). All materials and requests for information should be submitted electronically, as per the instructions found at:
The application deadline is October 15, 2018 with application review continuing until the positions are filled. Georgia Tech is an equal education/employment opportunity institution.

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