
I am interested in hearing from students and professionals in a STEM field (whether they have started their own business or not), current new-business owners, or people who would you like to be, and anyone who has experience in starting their own business.   I’m trying to reach as many people as possible, male or female, young or no longer young, etc.

It should only take 10 minutes to complete.  There is no cost for participating, and upon completing the survey respondents are eligible for a $100 Amazon gift card.

All personal information will be stripped from the final dataset.  Participants will not be contacted by NewOak Consulting unless they specifically agree (opt in) to participate in future surveys or focus groups. Participation in this survey is voluntary, and respondents have the right to withdraw from participation at any time without penalty.

Please contact the investigator through NewOak Consulting  with any questions regarding this survey.

To access the survey, click on the link below:

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