
Registration for the 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium is now open!

This symposium, hosted by the OSU Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and the Arts, provides undergraduates with an excellent opportunity to showcase their research or creative activity. OSU undergraduates in all years of study, all academic disciplines, and all stages of research or creative work are eligible to present. Students will be able to choose whether they would like to present a poster and/or a 3-minute lightning talk. We also invite students with artistic/creative projects and distance students to reach out so we can do our best to accommodate other presentation types.

We appreciate your help forwarding this email to students you think may be interested. The deadline for registering is August 21stat 11:59pm and the event will be held on the morning and afternoon of Thursday, September 13th (exact time and location to follow).

Details and the registration link are available at:

Please mark your calendars to join us for this exciting opportunity to celebrate our undergraduates and their hard work!



Sophie Pierszalowski

Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & the Arts (URSA)


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